分享几道 NOIP 初赛的奇葩题目
快看看 CCF 是怎么把初赛完成脑筋急转弯竞赛的……
- 孙某说:如果我不知道的话,张某肯定也不知道。
- 张某说:刚才我不知道,听孙某一说,我现在知道了。
- 孙某说:哦,那我也知道了。
阅读更多LightOJ 1073 DNA Sequence 题解:字符串+状压 DP+字符串压位/搜索
Link: LightOJ 1873 DNA Sequence
You are given a list of strings over the alphabet A (for adenine), C (cytosine), G (guanine), and T (thymine), and your task is to find the shortest string (which is typically not listed) that contains all given strings as substrings. If there are several such strings of shortest length, find the smallest in alphabetical/lexicographical order.
Time Limit: 4 second(s)
Memory Limit: 32 MB
x_{11} & x_{12} & x_{13} \
x_{21} & x_{22} & x_{23} \
x_{31} & x_{32} & x_{33}
数学上,高斯消元法(Gaussian Elimination),是线性代数中的一个算法,可用来为线性方程组求解,求出矩阵的秩,以及求出可逆方阵的逆矩阵。当用于一个矩阵时,高斯消元法会产生出一个行梯阵式。
阅读更多数位 DP 入门:HDU 3555 Bomb
简单来说,数位 DP 大概就是把一个数字拆开按位进行 DP 的一种思想。
HDU 3555 Bomb
The counter-terrorists found a time bomb in the dust. But this time the terrorists improve on the time bomb. The number sequence of the time bomb counts from 1 to N. If the current number sequence includes the sub-sequence "49", the power of the blast would add one point.
Now the counter-terrorist knows the number N. They want to know the final points of the power. Can you help them?
阅读更多gdb 调试的使用
Linux 下没有 Dev-cpp,每次遇到想要调试的代码就是坠痛苦的。所以我们还是得学点 gdb 调试的命令。
首先执行 g++ a.cpp -g
,生成 a.out
或者 a.exe
执行 gdb a.out
,出现一大段介绍,进入 gdb 调试。
主定理可以用来分析递归算法的时间复杂度(也叫渐进复杂度)。在以前,我们知道快速排序的时间复杂度是 $ \Theta (N \ast \log_2 N )$ ,我们也知道它不稳定,但是我们仿佛不知道这个 $ \Theta (N \ast \log_2 N )$ 是怎么来的……学习了主定理,我们就可以证明了~
这个“主定理”名字真的十分霸气:Master Theorem……
阅读更多POJ 3465 Battle 题解:可“反悔”的贪心
You're Zhu Rengong, a formidable hero. After a number of challenging missions, you are finally facing the final Boss – a black dragon called Heilong. Due to his overwhelming power, you have to plan your actions carefully.
阅读更多POJ 3244 Difference between Triplets 题解:(线段树或树状数组)或(排序 + 前缀和)
坠痛苦的是,POJ 的辣鸡 G++ 编译器不支持 long long
For every pair of triplets, $T_a = (I_a, J_a, K_a)$ and $T_b = (I_b, J_b, K_b)$, we define the difference value between $T_a$ and $T_b$ as follows:
$$ D(T_a, T_b) = \max (I_a − I_b, J_a − J_b, K_a − K_b) − \min (I_a − I_b, J_a − J_b, K_a − K_b) $$
Now you are given $N$ triplets, could you write a program to calculate the sum of the difference values between every unordered pair of triplets?